1951 フォルクスワーゲン タイプワン スプリット セダン(Volkswagen Type 1 Split Sedan)|Tokyo, JPN
ここに紹介するタイプ1は、1951年2月に製造されたヨーロピアンDXモデル。ベルギーからやってきたスプリットウィンドウだ。そのアピランスは、新車と見紛うばかりの輝きを放つ。フードやフェンダーなどボディパーツの全てに貴重なVW純正品が装備され、外装は1951年3月迄に採用された純正カラーであるL-70ミディアムブラウンで新たにペイントされた。さらに、GERMAN HELLA製フルーテッドヘッドライトレンズ(通称、涙目)や、Bピラーに装備されたリブ付きセマフォー、5LUG 16インチのスチールホイールなど、マニア垂涎のVW純正アイテムが備わっている。インテリアにはP71ベージュのGERMANクロスを採用、最高級素材のGERMANスクウェアウィーブのフロアカーペットと相まって上品な仕上がりが見て取れる。ステアリングホイールやスピードメーターなどすべて由緒正しきアイテムが揃っており、オリジナル派にとっては非の打ち所がない一台といえよう。一方、1131㏄のエンジンにはこの型式特有の形状となるMANN“T”スタイルのエアクリーナーやBOSCH製383ディストリビューター、スターコイルなどが装備され、純血らしさを失うことなくオリジナルの状態をキープする。VWの歴史を象徴する名車だけに、伝統の重みが感じられる一台だ。
About this model
The history of “Volkswagen”, which means “the people’s car” in German, began in 1933 with the German government’s vision of a “national car.” It’s well known that Hitler, who came to power soon after, asked Ferdinand Porsche to design the car. Mr. Porsche came up with the design and debuted the first prototype in 1936. Construction on the manufacturing plant began the following year. But with the outbreak of World War II, plans for mass production were shelved. After the war, Volkswagen was put under allied management, and its plants began production in 1945. In 1947, 20,000 vehicles were produced. The Beetle, officially the Volkswagen Type 1, had an air-cooled engine. Thanks to its RR (rear-engine, rear-wheel drive) layout, it had a roomy interior and could reach speeds of 100km/h despite its small size. It was also fuel efficient. These were all qualities that the world was looking for in a car, and exports began in 1947. The Beetle reached America in 1949. In the long history of the Beetle, models released until 1953 are considered early models. The most distinguishing feature of these models is the bisected rear window, which gave it the nickname “split.” Due to its scarcity, the price of these vehicles has shot up dramatically in recent years, so it might be hard to call them the people’s car, but its familiar, well-loved shape has an appeal that still attracts many fans.
About this vehicle
The Type 1 introduced here is a European DX model made in February 1951. It is a split window, and came form Belgium. The sparkling appearance is so brilliant that it could be mistaken for a new car. All of the body parts, from the fenders, hood to bumpers, are genuine VW parts, and the exterior was repainted with in the genuine L70 medium brown color, which was used until March 1951. Such details as the fluted headlight lenses made by German Hella, the ribbed semaphore signals on the B pillar, and the 5-lug, 16-inch steel German wheels are enough to make a VW fanatic’s object of envy. Classy touches, including P71 beige German cloth and highest-quality German square weave floor carpet make for an enchanting interior. The steering wheel, speedometer, and other items are all genuine VW. For original-condition enthusiasts, this is just the vehicle. The 1131 cc engine is equipped with the Mann T-style air filter characteristic of this model, as well as a Bosch 383 distributor and star coil. The original configuration has also been preserved without compromising any of its purity. A famous car symbolizing the history of Volkswagen, this vehicle is the very embodiment of tradition.
1951 Volkswagen Type 1 Split Sedan|1951 フォルクスワーゲン タイプワン スプリット セダン | |
Production | 1951 |
Brand | Volkswagen |
Model | TYPE1 Sedan |
Engine | 1.1L |
Number of cylinders | 4 |
Power | 25hp |
Length | 4050mm |
Width | 1540mm |
Height | 1550mm |
Wheelbase | 2400mm |
Drive | Rear |
Weight | 730kg |
Tire size(F) | 5.00×16 |
Tire size(R) | 5.00×16 |
Price | 7,980,000yen (without tax) |
Contact | FLAT4 |
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