1994 Land Rover Range Rover Vanden Plas(1994 ランドローバー レンジローバー バンデンプラ)|Tokyo, JPN

デビューから10年目となる1980年型を生産する頃、レンジローバーの総生産台数は7万5000台を超え、その需要に対応するために拡張されたラインは1週間当たりの生産能力を300台から450台へと引き上げていた。そんなレンジローバーに飛びついたのはローバーの思惑を超えてクラス層の顧客割合いが多く、必然的に4ドアボディと豪華なインテリアを生んでいった。クラス層は何故レンジローバーを必要としていたのか? 階級社会の頂点に立つのはロイヤルファミリーだが、それを支える貴族階級の多くは日頃地方の領地を治めるのが仕事である。「ザ・シーズン」と呼ばれる社交界がロンドンで始まるのは1年間でもっとも過ごしやすい4月から7月だ。そんな背景もあり、レンジローバーはラグジュアリーSUVとしてさらなる進化を要望され続けた。グレード名のバンデン・プラ(輸出国による)は、歴史的にベントレーやロールス・ロイスを手掛けたコーチビルダーの名残である。ホイールベースは2540㎜から2740㎜へ拡張され、後席の足元が広く居住性が増している。内装も相応にハイグレードな仕上がりに。現行モデルも標準車とLWBモデルの設定がある。そんなラインナップ構成もヘリテージをもつレンジローバーならではの史実といえるだろう。


About this model
When the 1980 Range Rover was being produced, 10 years after the brand’s debut, total production topped 75,000. To meet demand, production capacity was expanded from 300 vehicles per week to 450. The customers jumping to own a Range Rover were largely from a higher class than one would expect to want a Rover, and inevitably a 4-door body and luxurious interior were added. Why did such high-class customers want a Range Rover? British nobility, one step below the royal family in Britain’s class system, spent much of the year taking care of their estates in the countryside but came to London from April to June for “the Season” of high society. Partly for this reason, there was continuing demand for an increasingly luxurious Land Rover. The name “Vanden Plas” (depending on the country) for this luxury grade was inspired by the coach builder that was historically involved with the likes of Bentley and Rolls Royce. The wheelbase was extended from 2540mm to 2740mm and leg room increased to make the backseat more comfortable. The interior was likewise upgraded. Current models come in both standard and LWB versions. That lineup composition reflects the history of the heritage-filled Range Rover.

About this vehicle
The Vanden Plas has wheelbase that is 200mm loner and is, as can be imagined, around 70kg heavier than the standard model. Because it often carries four people, it was given a 4.2L engine with a maximum output of 200ps, creating a well-balanced model. The vehicle offered here is an official dealer car first registered in 1994. The 2-tone body color, Maya gold and barolo black, was inspired by a past special edition, created as an example of the bespoke plans that the seller Rangers offered. Those bespoke plans include five levels, A through E, plus an optional plan that can be customized according to individual requests. Plan A is for those looking to get behind the wheel right away and includes basic maintenance, such as oil change, at a cost of 300,000 yen. The other plans include more in-depth maintenance and depending on the plan, come with a warranty of varying lengths. It has been 23 years since this car’s initial registration, so even though it’s a Range Rover, there is no denying that it’s time for a reset. What kind of plan would be right for you?

1994 Land Rover Range Rover Vanden Plas|1994 ランドローバー レンジローバー バンデンプラ
Production 1994
Brand Land Rover
Model Range Rover
Engine 4.2L
Number of cylinders 8
Power 200ps/4850rpm
Length 4650mm
Width 1820mm
Height 1790mm
Wheelbase 2740mm
Drive Full time 4WD
Weight 2060kg
Tire size(F) 205R16
Tire size(R) 205R16
Price Ask

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