1994 ジャガー XJS V12(1994 Jaguar XJS V12)|Tokyo, JPN
- 2018/6/16
- Land Rover

1994年式ディーラー車で搭載するV12エンジンは最終進化系の6Lの排気量が与えられたモデルである。5.3L搭載車とスペックを比較すると最高出力は280ps(206kW)/5550rpmから300ps(221kW)/5350rpmに。最大トルクは414.8Nm/2800rpmから474.6Nm/2850rpmに向上している。さらに、トランスミッションも旧タイプの3速ATからGM製4速ATとなり、出力を増したエンジンに対応しつつ信頼性とエネルギー効率は高まっている。安全装備の面では助手席エアバッグが標準装備となったのに加え、ヘッドレスト一体型のシートへ意匠変更。内外装のデザインだけを見れば好みは別れるだろうが、メカニズムの信頼性は最終モデルに軍配が上がるだろう。当個体はオートダイレクトのセールスディレクターが知人から直接譲り受けた2オーナー車であり、1994年の登録時から記録簿が揃う履歴の確かな1台である。また、エンジン、シャーシ、内外装色もフルオリジナルでオーナーズマニュアル等のブック類も全て残っているという希少な個体だ。年式を考慮すればクラシックと表現するにはまだ早いのかもしれないが、不思議な事にEタイプのシリーズ3に似たライド感がある。選択肢としては4L 直6も選べるのだがジャガーV12のシルキーさは格別だ。
About this model
September 1975. Jaguar unveiled the XJ-S model as the successor to the E Type, which had begun with the 1961 Series 1. As the naming suggests, the XJ-S completed the transformation from pure sports car to luxury grand tourer. Malcolm Sayer continued to be the designer, and in June 1965 completed the XJ-S design package, under the model code XJ-F (later changed to XJ27). Unfortunately, Mr. Sayer died suddenly in 1970, but the production model made its debut under the direction of William Lyons. The original model, in a continuation of the E Type Series 3, had a 5.3L V-12 engine. Influenced by American regulations regarding open-top cars at the time, it began as a coupe only. But in response to growing calls for open-air motoring, a Targa-top cabriolet version was added in 1983. It had a newly developed 3.6L straight-6 engine (later increased to 4L). With two versions, this and the V12, the XJ-S went through a series of brush-ups that improved both its eco-friendliness and its sportiness. In 1991, a large-scale redesign was carried out, and the name changed to XJS. Improvements were made every year thereafter, and in 1996, the curtain was lowered on its 21-year history.
About this vehicle
A 1994 dealer vehicle, it is equipped with a 6L, V12 engine. Its maximum output is 300 ps (221kW)/5350 rpm, compared with the 5.3L version’s output of 280ps(206kW)/5550rpm. Maximum torque was increased from 414.8Nm/2800 rpm to 474.6Nm/2850 rpm. The transmission was upgraded from the old-type 3-speed automatic transmission to a GM-made 4-speed automatic to accommodate the greater engine output, an upgrade that also improved reliability and energy efficiency. In terms of safety features, in addition to the standard passenger-side airbag, the seat design was changed to one with integrated headrests.While not everyone maybe a fan of the design, in terms of mechanical reliability, the final model is the clear winner. This particular vehicle has had two owners, and was acquired by the sales director of Auto Direct directly from an acquaintance. Registered in 1994, its history can be traced with certainty. The engine, chassis and interior and exterior are completely original, and the owners manual book and other documents are all there, making this a very rare find. Considering the model year, it might be too early to call this a classic, but it has a ride that feels uncannily close to that of the E Type Series 3. While a 4L, straight-6 engine may be an option, the Jaguar V12 is in a class of its own.
1994 Jaguar XJS V12|1994 ジャガー XJS V12 | |
Production | 1994 |
Brand | Jaguar |
Model | XJS V12 |
Engine | 5.3L |
Number of cylinders | 12 |
Power | 300ps/5350rpm |
Length | 4820mm |
Width | 1795mm |
Height | 1270mm |
Wheelbase | 2590mm |
Drive | Rear |
Weight | 1790kg |
Tire size(F) | 225/60ZR16 |
Tire size(R) | 225/60ZR16 |
Price | 3,280,000yen (include tax) |
Contact | AUTO DIRECT |
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