1967 シボレー コルベット スティングレイ コンバーチブル(Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible) |Okayama, JPN

モデルスパンが僅か5年というC2型はどれも希少なものだが、1967年の最終モデルは狙いようにもタイミングが全てである。外観上の特徴で分かりやすいのは、フロントフェンダー側面のエアベントの開口部が5つに変更されたこと。エンジンラインナップをオーダーコード、排気量、圧縮比、最高出力の順に記してみたい。スタンダード(327ci/10.0:1) 300hp/5,000rpm、L79(327ci/11.0:1)350hp/5,800rpm、L36(427ci/10.25:1)390hp/5,400rpm、L68(427ci/10.25:1)400hp/5,400rpm、L71(427ci/11.0:1)435hp/5,800rpm、L88(427ci/12.5:1)430hp/5,200rpm。なお、L88はレース用モデルで通常のプレミアムガソリンには対応していない。これに組み合わされるトランスミッションは、3スピードマニュアル(標準)、4スピードマニュアル(オプション)、2スピードパワーグライド(オプション)である。マリナブルーの外装とブライトブルーの内装が上品なこの個体は1988年10月に初年度登録。日本で長く所有され2015年に内外装ともにレストアされている。ナンバー付きで車検は平成30年9月まで。ただし、当個体はエンジンが350ciに載せ替えられているため車検証上の排気量は5730㏄で登録されている。
About this model
Taking over from the initial C1 Type (1954-1962), the second-generation C2 first appeared in 1963. It continued to evolve over its short five-year model span, but production ended in 1967. Body types were coupe and convertible. At first glance it looks like a luxury GT car, but its backbone incorporates the racing activities that were being carried out alongside development of the commercial model. Trailing Ferrari and Maserati, engineers worked around the clock, developing, for example, a transaxle frame still used in current models. The design motif for the C2 is said to come from the XP-87 Stingray racer developed in 1959. But a closer look reveals that it was based on a racing car that had been shelved due to regulations. The man in charge of developing the C2 was Bill Mitchell, a member of the board at GM who also pursued numerous personal projects. The Stingray Race XP-87 can be seen in the Elvis Presley musical film “Clambake.” Although it was surely no coincidence that the film was released in 1967, the final year of the C2, it is still far less ridiculous than seeing a C2 dragged through the air in “Con Air” starring Nicolas Cage. In terms of technology, the use of a 4-wheel independent suspension is worth noting.
About this vehicle
All C2 models are rare, since it had a run of just five years, but to get hold of the final 1967 model, timing is everything. An easily recognizable feature of its appearance is the 5 air vent openings on its front fenders. The engine lineup, order code, displacement, compression and max output are as follows: Standard: (327ci/10.0:1) 300hp/5,000rpm; L79 (327ci/11.0:1) 350hp/5,800rpm; L36 (427ci/10.25:1) 390hp/5,400rpm; L68 (427ci/10.25:1) 400hp/5,400rpm; L71 (427ci/11.0:1) 435hp/5,800rpm; L88 (427ci/12.5:1) 430hp/5,200rpm. The L88 racing model is not compatible with regular premium gasoline. The transmissions used with this engine are the 3-speed manual (standard), 4-speed manual (optional) or 2-speed Powerglide (optional). This classy car with its marina blue body paint and bright blue interior was first registered in October 1988. Owned in Japan for a long time, the interior and exterior were restored in 2015. It has a license plate, and its vehicle inspection is valid through September 2018. The 327-equipped model has a plain design, with no air scoops on the hood, giving it an appealingly elegant appearance. Includes original wheels.
1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible 1967 シボレー コルベット スティングレイ コンバーチブル |
Production | 1967 |
Brand | Chevrolet |
Model | Corvette Stingray Convertible |
Engine | 5.73L |
Number of cylinders | 8 |
Power | —— |
Length | 4448mm |
Width | 1768mm |
Height | 1260mm |
Wheelbase | 2490mm |
Drive | Rear |
Weight | 1440kg |
Tire size(F) | 7.75 x 15 |
Tire size(R) | 7.75 x 15 |
Price | 12,000,000 yen(without tax) |
Contact | OLD BOY |
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