1962 ジャガー Eタイプ シリーズ1(1962 Jaguar E-Type Series1)|Tokyo, JPN


15年に渡り生産されたEタイプは、大きく分けて3つに分類される。1961年のデビューから3.8L直列6気筒エンジンを搭載し、1964年のMCで4.2Lエンジンを搭載したモデルをシリーズ1。1968年10月から生産を開始した北米の安全規制に対処しMCを施したモデルをシリーズ2。1971年にエクステリアを中心に大幅刷新し5.3LのV型12気筒エンジンを搭載したモデルをシリーズ3と呼ぶ。当個体は1962年9月に生産されたシリーズ1のロードスターで、同年12月にニューヨークのジャガーカーズにより販売された車両だ。日本への輸入は1988年頃。長く個人オーナーが所有してきたが、縁あってオートダイレクトが譲り受けることができた。インテリアは初期モノだけに見られるアルミパネル仕様で、Eタイプがコンペティションモデルの血統をもつことを証明するかのようである。エンジンとシャシーナンバーはマッチングし、ジャガーヘリテイジより発行された「Certificate」が付随する。稀有な仕様とオリジナル度の高さが魅力の車両だが、使い勝手の良さのためかギヤボックスをフルシンクロメッシュのシリーズ1後期(1967-1968年に4.2Lエンジンを先取りするカタチで搭載) のMTに換装している。当個体は残念ながら撮影後に売買が成立している。。

About this model
From 1961 all the way through 1975, the Jaguar E Type attracted numerous enthusiasts. Postwar Jaguar commercial sports models were designated with the letters XK, but in keeping with the C Type and D Type, its racing predecessors, this model was named the E Type. Involved in the design was Malcolm Sayer, who worked with the aircraft company Bristol and built his career as an aerodynamics expert. Jaguar founder William Lyons held the belief that “beautiful cars sell,” and since the Jaguar had already won the 24-hour Le Mans race five times, releasing the E Type was probably a natural progression for the company. It is said to have been developed in 1958, the year after a D Type won Le Mans for the third straight time. Prototype No. 1, the E1A, has a roadster body just like that of a race car. The cabin surrounding the driver is a monocoque body combined with a tubular frame. Prototype No. 2, E2A, caught the eye of American multimillionaire Briggs Cunningham, who entered the 1960 Le Mans. He showed some of its potential but was forced to retire from the race. The beautifully flowing body of the the E Type received thunderous applause at the 1961 Geneva Motor Show the following year.

About this vehicle
Produced over 15 years, the E Type can be separated into three broad types. The first model, which debuted in 1961, had a 3.8L straight-6 engine. Series 1 began with a major redesign in 1964 that included a larger 4.2L, straight-6 engine. In October 1968, a model change was carried out to meet safety regulations in the U.S., where production had begun. This was Series 2. In 1971, a revamp focusing largely on the exterior, as well as a new 5.3L V12 engine, created Series 3. This vehicle is a Series 1 roadster produced in September 1962. It was distributed by Jaguar Cars in New York in December of that year. It was imported to Japan in 1988. It was owned for a long time by a private owner, but by luck it came into the possession of Auto Direct. The interior has aluminum panelling that appears entirely original, a visual reminder that the E Type has competition blood flowing in its veins. The engine and chassis number match, and it comes with a Certificate published by Jaguar Heritage. The vehicle is appealing for its rare specs and largely original parts, but to make handling easier, the gearbox has been overhauled to a full synchromesh gearbox used in the late Series 1 (introduced in the 1967-1968 models with 4.2L engines). Unfortunately, this vehicle was sold after being photographed, and it is now in a new garage.

1962 Jaguar E-Type Series1|1962 ジャガー Eタイプ シリーズ1
Production 1962
Brand Jaguar
Model E-type S1 3.8 OTS
Engine 3.8L
Number of cylinders 6
Power 265hp/5500rpm
Length 4458mm
Width 1632mm
Height 1194mm
Wheelbase 2438mm
Drive Rear
Weight 1220kg
Tire size(F) 6.40×15
Tire size(R) 6.40×15
Price Sold

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