1970 メルセデスベンツ 280SL(1970 Mercedes-Benz 280SL)|Yokohama, JPN

W113型メルセデス・ベンツSLは、190SLの後継モデルとして1963年に誕生。フランス人デザイナー、ポール・ブラックの最高傑作といわれる。デビューモデルの230SLはその数字が示すとおりに2.3L直6エンジンを搭載。1967年から2.5Lに。翌1968年には2.8Lへとその排気量を拡大。1971年をもって生産を終了した。デザインはレースカーの面影を残す190SLから、ラグジュアリーなロードモデルへと転身。デタッチャブルルーフの中央部を凹ませることで空力特性に貢献する特徴的なデザインは、通称Pagodaルーフと呼ばれ仏塔からヒントを得ているという。また、ABC各ピラーからラインを伸ばした時、その3つが1点で交わるデザインは、視覚的に人間が安心するという効果を生み出す。1台でロードスター、カブリオレ、ハードトップクーペと様々な表情で魅せるW113型SLは、そのエレガントな佇まいと相まって人気を博した。機能的には250SLから後輪にもディスクブレーキを採用。トランスミッションは4速ATの他に4速MTが選べた。パワーステアリングは標準装備。アルミ製ボンネットを採用し軽量化を施すなど、その軽快な走りはSL(Sport Leicht)の名に恥じることはない。


About this model
The Mercedes-Benz W113SL debuted in 1963 as the successor to the 190SL. It is considered French designer Paul Bracq’s finest work. The debut model was the 230SL. As the name indicates, it has a 2.3L straight-6 engine. Starting in 1967, it was increased to 2.5L. The following year, 1968, the displacement was increased again, to 2.8L. Production ended in 1971. The W113SL transformed the design of the 190SL, which still had traces of a racer in it, into a luxury road model. The slightly concave detachable roof, called the Pagoda roof, helps makes the car more aerodynamic. Moreover, the lines of A,B,C pillars are arranged so that if they were extended out, they would all come together at one point. This produces a sense of visual stability that puts people at ease. Combining the appeal of a roadster, a cabriolet and a hard-top coupe in one vehicle, the W113 SL, with its elegant form, became popular. In terms of performance, starting from the 250SL, the rear wheels were also fitted with disc brakes. Four-speed transmission was available in either automatic or manual. Power steering became standard. Such features as the aluminum bonnet made the car lighter, giving it a zippy feel that lived up to the name of SL (Sport Leicht).

About this vehicle
This vehicle was imported from California, and has a four-speed manual transmission. While a 2.3L engine with a manual transmission is sometimes seen, a 2.8L-manual transmission combination like this is exceedingly rare. With an eye specifically on the American market, the W113 came standard with the company’s in-house 4-speed automatic transmission, but at the time of its debut, there were more than a few manual transmission fans, and the appeal of manual-transmission handling became widely known. From what we heard, the former owner was a woman living in San Francisco. Throwing the stick shift in this tobacco brown 280SL is like a scene from a movie. It is equipped with A/C but the audio-less style is rather cool. After import it was put through mechanical inspection and maintenance, and its rubber parts were replaced. Its inspection is good for three years, and it is ready to drive. Vintage Shonan has gotten hold of many W113s, but this car is completely different from driving an automatic. A manual SL like this really lets you experience the true quality of the car. Considering the standard automatic transmission is just two speeds, the pleasingly direct feel of this manual transmission is all the more obvious. The 1970 280SL will turn 50 the year that Tokyo hosts the Olympic Games. This will definitely make for a good memory.

1970 Mercedes-Benz 280SL|1970 メルセデスベンツ 280SL
Production 1970
Brand Mercedes-Benz
Model 280SL
Engine 2.8L
Number of cylinders 6
Power 170hp/5700rpm
Length 4825mm
Width 1760mm
Height 1305mm
Wheelbase 2400mm
Drive Rear
Weight 1340kg
Tire size(F) 185 H14
Tire size(R) 185 H14
Price ASK

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