1963年に始まったポルシェ911シリーズの長い歴史は1973年モデルをもって大きな区切りを迎える。通称“ナロー”と呼ばれるこのモデルは、2L、2.2L、2.4Lと時代の要請に応じフラット6の排気量を拡大。’70-’71年の2年間はグレードにかかわらず2.2Lの排気量が与えられた。ボア×ストロークは80×66㎜から84 × 66 ㎜へと変わり、ボアストローク比は1.21から1.27へ。1気筒当たりの排気量はおおよそ331.8㏄から365.8㏄に。ピストンスピードを変えることなくより高い出力を獲得した。1969年モデルの最終型2Lエンジンと比較すれば、トップグレードのSは最高出力170hpから180hp、中間グレードのEは最高出力140hpから155hp、エントリーグレードのTは最高出力108hpから125hpへと出力が向上。SとEはボッシュ製クーゲルフィッシャー(機械式インジェクション)、Tはゼニス製キャブレターが組み合わされる。排気量の増したエンジンのフィーリングは好みの分かれるところだろうが、スペック的には商品力を増したといっていいだろう。トランスミッションはSが5速MT のみ。Eは5速MT と4速スポルトマチック。Tは4速MTと5速MT、4速スポルトマチックを設定。なお、2268㎜のホイールベースに変更はない。
About this model
The long history of the Porsche 911 Series, which began in 1963, reached a major turning point with the 1973 model, nicknamed “the Narrow.” In response to the demands of the day, the displacement of the straight-6 engine was enlarged to 2L, 2.2L and 2.4L. The 1970 and 1971 models of all grades were given 2.2L engines. The bore and stroke changed from 80 x 66 mm to 84 x 66 mm, and the bore-stroke ratio from 1.21 to 1.27. The displacement of one piston changed from about 331.8 cc to 365.8 cc. Because piston speed was unchanged, a high output could be achieved. Compared to the 1969 model, the last with a 2L engine, the maximum output of the top-grade S was from 170 hp to 180 hp, the mid-grade E from 140 hp to 155hp, and the entry-level T from 108hp to 125hp. The S and E used Boshe-made mechanical fuel injection systems, while the T was built with the Zenith carbureted system. The feel of the larger engine may be a matter of preference, but it’s also safe to say that it made for a stronger product in terms of specs. As for the transmission, the S came with a 5-speed manual only. The E had a 5-speed manual or 4-speed sportmatic. The T was configured with a 4-speed manual, 5-speed manual or 4-speed sportmatic. The wheelbase was unchanged at 2,268 mm.
About this vehicle
In 1964, Porsche had already completed the prototype of the Targa body with the 901/902, but the company had just begun production of the coupe and didn’t have any extra energy to spare. The prototype’s world premier came at the 1965 Frankfurt Motor Show, followed by a debut in Paris. But a commercial model did not hit the market until 1967. The structure was designed with the so-called Targa bar, a practical safety feature that served as a roll cage. After its debut, it became particularly popular in America, where the safety of open-top cars had become a matter of heated debate. This particular vehicle is a 1971 Porsche 911E with a refreshing yellow body color. It was carefully owned for many years by a member of the Porsche Club of America and came to Japan in 2016. The paint job is very fresh. The car was apparently repainted once in the U.S. It’s extremely close to original condition, and the lack of air conditioning, a stoic option for America, brings to mind the image of a refined owner. As for maintenance in Japan, the engine is sound, and if the clutch is given an overhaul, it will be ready for its next trip. It has a Japanese license plate, registered in Vintage Shonan’s name. Its vehicle inspection is good for two years.
1971 Porsche 911E Targa|1971 ポルシェ 911E タルガ | |
Production | 1971 |
Brand | Porsche |
Model | 911E Targa |
Engine | 2.2L |
Number of cylinders | 6 |
Power | 153hp/6200rpm |
Length | 4163mm |
Width | 1610mm |
Height | 1320mm |
Wheelbase | 2268mm |
Drive | Rear |
Weight | 710kg |
Tire size(F) | 185/70 VR 15(6J×15) |
Tire size(R) | 185/70 VR 15(6J×15) |
Price | ASK |
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